In my handbag are the essentials: keys; wallet; tissues; phone; toys for babies and kids because they need to play. As I hand Bubba Miss K an assortment of baby toys, she plays with each for a minute or two. They don’t capture her attention. Baby play can be hard work for mummies to figure out sometimes.
In desperation, I hand her the only thing left in my bag that she can play with. It doesn’t fall into the “toys-for-babies-to-play-with” category as such, but her eyes light up and her little hands wave excitedly as she sees it. It’s a little box; my little tissue box, (technically a cylinder). It seems that when it comes to toys for babies, box play is all the rage.
Toys for Babies: Box Play
A baby’s muscles develop top-down: from the head; neck; shoulders and arms; down the back; hips; thighs and calves. Miss K’s upper body is now well developed enough to sit up. Being able to sit up opens up a world of new play possibilities.
Sitting up and using her hands, Bubba Miss K can now play with boxes and the contents within.
When I first introduced her to box play, I sat down on the floor with her. I showed that she could take things out of the box and play with the contents. Soon she was busy playing with boxes on her own.
With her older siblings about, Miss K loves to check out their toys. This means we have to be vigilant in baby proofing our home.
Setting aside a plastic box with a wide mouth and baby-safe contents within is helpful. Bubba Miss K likes to pull out; dump and play with the contents. Some ideas for baby safe contents include blocks, teething rings, rattles and small plush toys.
Bubba Miss K loves box play and she’s not just interested in the the contents; there is also the box itself to play with.
With enough imagination, you can turn anything into something to play with.
See how easily you can use boxes for engaging play:
Sand Table Play: Operation Desert Bloom
Lights Activity Box
Messy Play: Giant Tub of Goopy Goodness
Our Top 5 Water Play Toys
Bits and Bobs Box
More Activities for Babies and Toddlers
Zero to Two: The Book of Play is full of fun activities for babies and toddlers. There are 25 ideas for babies and toddlers, with additional links to over 50+ activities. A great resource for parents. Download your copy here.
Miss K 10 months
September 2012