I make plenty of parenting mistakes with my kids, and I’m sharing some of them as part of the play matters initiative.
Play Matters: Parenting Mistake #3
Do you forget little moments of play produce big moments of discovery?
Have you desperately tried to teach your kids something but it just goes over their heads? At the same time, they seem to be learning all sorts of other things with no trouble at all?
Play matters. It is through little moments of play that children learn and discover. Bit by bit they learn. They play, they chat, they discover.
Here are some ways to encourage play throughout the day, so that children can have those moments of discovery:
- Let kids have free play. They’ll learn through that.
- Think and plan for structured play experiences where learning is incorporated into play.
- Ask the right questions to make the most of their play experience.
- Be prepared. Set up your home so your children have access to various materials and toys. Keep everything easy to get to and easy to pack away, for example check out our writing and art area.
- Be there with them, get down to their level and play with them. For every job that gets done, go play with your kids, even for just a few minutes. Your attention will show them that you care, and you will have the chance to learn much about them.
- Unplug the TV! I really struggle with this one, especially when my kids complain that they’re bored. Join Christie (childhood101.com), Kate (picklebums.com), Debs (learnwithplayathome.com) and myself as we share our best strategies and play ideas to get bored kids playing, because play matters! Join us for our live video conference, quick and easy play for bored kids, Thursday 28th March, 1:30PM Australian Eastern Standard Time.
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- Uploading your play related photos onto Instagram;
- Pick a fun filter, (choices, choices!);
- Add a caption and the hashtag #playmatters;
- Click share!
- Then, (here’s the fun part), check out other #playmatters photos by searching for the #playmatters hashtag. Be inspired, laugh and cry with others. Meet, support and be supported by others who also believe that play matters.
My Instagram user name is @pauline_lessonslearntjournal. Would love it if you would come and say Hi!
Don’t have Instagram? You can still see #playmatters photos through the Instagram tab on the Lessons Learnt Journal Facebook Page. Want to share a photo? Please share it through the Lessons Learnt Journal Facebook Page and add #playmatters as part of your caption for the photo.
Need more inspiration?
We believe that play matters and we hunt down the best kids activities for you. Follow our #playmatters Pinterest Board.
We also have a fun free printable for our email subscribers: 5 quick ways to have happy kids.
In our previous #playmatters parenting confession, I talked about our conversations around play; especially that often asked question, “Was that fun?“. Be sure to subscribe because I have loads of other parenting confessions to share.
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