Parenting has transformed me into a frugal creature. Bottles are kept; boxes are treasures; and a single piece of paper can be used multiple times for a zillion projects. Yes, I said a zillion. Check out how these creative mamas used their magic with simple everyday items.



Hanging Yoghurt Cup Waterfall by A Childhood List

Young Master Three (E) is going through a ‘devour-all-yoghurt-in-sight’ phase. This, coupled with all my three young masters’ love for water play makes this hanging yoghurt cup waterfall simply irresistible.

Home Made Toy Sock Blocks by Growing Play

My home should be named the Ministry of Missing Socks. This post speaks to me on so many levels.

Giant Puddle Paint Brush by Let’s Lasso the Moon

Puddles? Tick. Brush or broom? Tick. Enjoy your giant puddle paint brush.

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The Kids’ Co-op is co-hosted by over 60 (and growing) fun kids’ blogs. Add your child-focused link here and we’ll share your idea across all of our child-focused blogs. Follow us on our popular Weekly Kids Co-op Pinterest board (which has over 230,000 followers) and The Kids Co-op on Facebook.


About the author

Pauline Pauline & Lessons Learnt Journal is all about life with kids. Pauline is an Aussie mum and teacher who shares her love for play, math games, writing and reading activities. She believes that #playmatters, values curiosity & wonder, wisdom, obedience and respect. She also needs naps. When not blogging, she may be found virtually hoarding on Pinterest, trying to decide which Instagram filter to apply, or compulsively refreshing her Facebook feed.

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