We recently visited the Zoo. N & M loved it so much that each time we head out of the house post zoo trip, they ask if we’re going to the zoo again. Unfortunately we can’t visit the zoo everyday, but this week we read Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell. N, M and E all love the book. I am sure they aren’t the only children who love Dear Zoo.

Our weekly books: Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell*; Each Peach Pear Plum by Janet and Allan Ahlberg*; Hairy Maclary’s Caterwaul Caper by Lynley Dodd*; The Boing Boing Races by Bruce Whatley and the Big Picture Story Bible by David Helm, God’s Great Sign Part 7. (I have marked our highly recommended books with an * ).

We learnt to take turns lifting up the flaps in Dear Zoo. Each Peach Pear Plum is filled with clever rhymes and pictures. We love all of Hairy Maclary’s stories, but the Caterwaul Caper is one that we really love because of all the animated sounds we can make throughout the story – Scarface claw’s “WROWWW-W-W-W” is so much fun to say together.





N: 3 y.o.
M: 3 y.o.
E: 15 months

Read about the whys and hows of our weekly books routine by  clicking here.

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5 a day books


About the author

Pauline Pauline & Lessons Learnt Journal is all about life with kids. Pauline is an Aussie mum and teacher who shares her love for play, math games, writing and reading activities. She believes that #playmatters, values curiosity & wonder, wisdom, obedience and respect. She also needs naps. When not blogging, she may be found virtually hoarding on Pinterest, trying to decide which Instagram filter to apply, or compulsively refreshing her Facebook feed.