It’s no secret that I love to bake. Even a lazy glance of my food related posts would satisfy any sweet tooth. Baking is fine. It’s the eating of the baked goods that can be a bit much.

With the New Year comes my resolution to keep the baked goods to more healthy proportions. Unfortunately, that has also meant less kids-in-the-kitchen moments for us.

This St Patricks Day inspired kid snack was happily embraced by N and M, who have indeed missed making things in the kitchen.


The highlight of this St Patricks Day kids snack for them was mixing up their batch of green milk. Just a drop of green food colouring and some milk, and mix! We could have used a spoon and a cup, but that would have been too easy (and logical!). Instead, we decided to use our kiddy milkshake maker. Hey, they’re only kids once and it’s all in the name of fun. They loved spinning the handle and kept checking to see if their milk was green yet. Using their ever so energetic bodies, their St Patricks Day green milk did not take long to make.

St Patricks Day Kids Snacks LessonsLearntJournal 03

Next, add some rainbow fruit bites to the St Patricks Day kid snack. They chose one fruit bite of each colour. While they were busy finding their assorted colours, I snuck away a few of those delicious morsels.


Now this was the hardest part – I had to restrain them for a minute so I could take these photos. Oh the relief and utter joy when when they could finally get to their St Patricks Day kids snacks! They devoured the milk and fruit bites before I could even finish making my cup of tea. A sure sign of a successful family moment, no?


Lessons Learnt Journal


N&M: 4 years, 8 months
February 2013


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Lessons Learnt Journal

About the author

Pauline Pauline & Lessons Learnt Journal is all about life with kids. Pauline is an Aussie mum and teacher who shares her love for play, math games, writing and reading activities. She believes that #playmatters, values curiosity & wonder, wisdom, obedience and respect. She also needs naps. When not blogging, she may be found virtually hoarding on Pinterest, trying to decide which Instagram filter to apply, or compulsively refreshing her Facebook feed.

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