playmatters via Lessons Learnt Journal (1)

Wow. Seven short months ago, a group of Aussie bloggers who believe that play matters started using the #playmatters hash tag on Instagram and invited the whole world to join them. Seven short months later, we have over 10,000 playful moments. 10,000 + playful moments proclaiming, play matters.

My mind boggles at the number a bit. If you have been part of the #playmatters crowd, thank you so much. It’s inspiring and so comforting to see so many families in the world playing. Too awesome.

Looking forward to the next 10,000. xo P

You can become part of the #playmatters community on Instagram by simply:

  • Uploading your play related photos onto Instagram;
  • Then pick a fun filter; (choices, choices!);
  • Add a caption and the hashtag #playmatters;
  • Click share!
  • Then, (here’s the fun part), check out other #playmatters photos by searching for the #playmatters hashtag. Be inspired, laugh and cry with others. Meet, support and be supported by others who also believe that play matters.

(P.S. My Instagram user name is @pauline_lessonslearntjournal. Would love it if you would come and say Hi!).

Don’t have Instagram? You can still see #playmatters photos through Facebook and Twitter. Simply search for #playmatters. Want to share a photo? Upload your #playmatters pic through Facebook or Twitter and add #playmatters as part of your caption for the photo.

Follow our #playmatters Pinterest Board for more playful moments. We’re a team of play loving bloggers pinning fab play ideas wherever we find it. We all have one thing in common, we all believe that play matters and we hunt down the best kids activities for you.

More Activities for Preschoolers

Three to Five: Playful Preschool is stuffed to the brim with tried, tested and loved playful learning ideas for preschoolers. There are 25+ ideas for preschoolers, ten printable resources and additional links to over 50 more activities. A great resource for parents. Download your copy here.

Games for Kids: Three to Five Playful Preschool eBook via Lessons Learnt Journal

If you enjoyed this post, please consider leaving a comment; I’d love to hear from you. If you are new here, you might like to receive updates direct to your email. We have many fun ideas to share.

Sept 2013
Activities for Children Life With Kids Lessons Learnt Journal

About the author

Pauline Pauline & Lessons Learnt Journal is all about life with kids. Pauline is an Aussie mum and teacher who shares her love for play, math games, writing and reading activities. She believes that #playmatters, values curiosity & wonder, wisdom, obedience and respect. She also needs naps. When not blogging, she may be found virtually hoarding on Pinterest, trying to decide which Instagram filter to apply, or compulsively refreshing her Facebook feed.

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